The cueSHIFT Minimum Data Set (MDS) Module offers features above just completing the MDS form for regulatory compliance.
The MDS Scheduler predicts future assessment date ranges and identifies if assessments are open and ready for completion.

The Dashboard Feature includes MDS Quality Indicators, prior to electronic submission of the assessment. Staff can drilldown to identify specific assessments included, allowing for review of accuracy, and assisting with ensuring the plan of care reflects the MDS Data.

Information from assessments and staff documentation can be pulled directly into the assessment. Eliminating down entry and reducing staff assessment completion time.
Also, all open assessments are included on the Calendar, eliminating the need for an additional MDS Schedule to be created and shared with staff.

Included with the MDS Module is a full suite of reports including the Medicare PDPM Report that breaks down the PDPM score for easy review of specific MDS items that affect the PDPM score and payment.

The cueSHIFT MDS Module assists with improved accuracy, compliance and resident plan of care outcomes.